Planning your services -- or the services for your loved one -- can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the OPWDD system.
Once you have been deemed eligible for OPWDD supports and services through the Front Door process, your next step is to find a Care Manager.
The Life Plan that you and the Care Manager create together using a person-centered planning process will reflect your life goals and changing needs.
Your Care Manager will work with you, and any other people you think should be involved, to develop your Life Plan using a person-centered approach. Your Care Manager will document in your Life Plan the supports, services and community resources you need and how you will get them.
Coordination of your supports and services is the job of your Care Manager. Your Care Manager also will ensure follow-up on medical appointments, communication between providers and that your services are in line with the goals in your Life Plan.
The creation of your Life Plan is designed with the information taken from your Coordinated Assessment System (CAS) summary.
Your Care Manager will share their knowledge of available resources to help you make informed choices. They will make referrals, find service providers, offer housing options -- help you do what you want to do. They also will coordinate how you receive your supports, including through both natural supports and funded services.