
Finishing high school and starting life as an adult is an exciting time for any student, including students with a developmental disability. Choices for the student moving from school to adult life may include continuing with schooling, learning job skills, finding paid work and participating in community activities, such as volunteering and job or life-skills development. Planning makes this change easier – your school will help you start planning for your future.

Planning with Your School

The process of making a plan for your move from school to adult services is called Transition Planning. Starting early is important so the services are available when you need them. Your school will help you with your transition plan, beginning before you reach the age of 15, as part of your Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). Your plan can already be in place when you leave school. As you plan, you will make decisions about what you want to do after high school. You’ll do this with the help of people you choose, such as your family, friends, school counselor or others.

Planning for OPWDD Services

To start transition planning, parents/guardians need to fill out a Consent to Release Information form. Once that is completed, your school will be authorized to tell OPWDD that you may be eligible for OPWDD services, to share your records with OWPDD and to invite OPWDD staff to work together with you on transition planning. OPWDD can provide services that will help you develop job skills, find a job, improve your living skills, become more independent and be active in your community.

The Consent to Release Information form is currently available in multiple languages. If you need this document in a language other than those included in the Forms, Information & Guidance section, please contact OPWDD's Statewide Language Access Coordinator at 1-866-946-9733.

For more information about student transition, visit our Information for Schools page:

School Transition information for Students page

Forms, Information & Guidance

Below are downloadable materials to help you get the transition to adult supports and services started.

Included are:

Parent/Guardian Letter with general information on  the school transition process as well as who to contact.

Parent/Guardian School Transition Letter

Consent to Release Information Form for the parent/guardian (if you are under 18 years old) to complete and sign so OPWDD can work with school staff to begin the transition planning process.

Consent to Release Information Form

Transition Planning: from school to adult life flyer which outlines school transition and introduces OPWDD’s Front Door process for obtaining services and supports.

Transition Planning flyer

School Transition Toolkit: Listed in the toolkit are some of the resources available to students who are getting ready to move from school life to adult life and their families.

School Transition Toolkit

School Transition Administration Letter

How Can I Get Services: Front Door Brochure which describes the process of applying for OPWDD eligibility and services.

To get started accessing OPWDD services, visit our Get Started page where you can learn about OPWDD eligibility and the Front Door process by watching the Front Door videos.

How Can I Get Services: Front Door Brochure

Self Direction Brochure briefly describes Self-Direction services which give you the chance to choose your own services so you can live the life you want. 

Self Direction Brochure

If you need documents in a language other than those listed, please contact OPWDD's Statewide Language Access Coordinator at 1-866-946-9733.