Statewide Health Information Network for NY (SHIN-NY) is a secure network for sharing electronic clinical records. OPWDD is partnering with Healthix and the New York State Department of Health (DOH) to help share information with healthcare providers and systems to better manage patient care. Clinical records are accessed and exchanged securely between healthcare providers with appropriate consent. At any time, you may withdraw your consent. You can also decide which entities can access or see your records.
Benefits of using Healthix
The benefits of sharing information using Healthix include:
- Improved quality of care and increased safety
- Fewer repeated diagnostic tests and labs
- Reduced likelihood of adverse drug interactions and allergic reactions
- Faster treatment in a medical emergency
- Better communication with doctors and other caregivers
- You control which providers access your records
Types of information that can be accessed
The types of information that can be accessed include Lab and Radiology results, your medications, allergies, diagnoses, medical encounters and other data are available. Please be aware, if you provide consent, sensitive medical information may be accessed related to HIV/AIDS, mental health, genetic disease or tests, alcohol or drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and family planning.
Privacy Protection
Healthix follows New York State and Federal privacy and confidentiality laws and is funded and regulated by the New York State Department of Health. Healthix only allows providers access to your information if they are involved in your care and you have granted consent. Healthix maintains safeguards to protect your medical information.