This ADM defines the scope of IB Services, the required credentials of staff members who deliver and/or supervise the delivery of IB Services, the role of the Developmental Disabilities Regional Offices (DDROs) in the authorization of IB Services, additional requirements to become an IB Services provider agency, and the billing, documentation and reporting requirements of provider agencies authorized to deliver IB Services. IB Services initially began as a statewide pilot project on July 1, 2010 to assist individuals who were presenting highly challenging behaviors that put them at risk for placement into a more restrictive residential setting. The initial roll-out of the service was accomplished through a contract mechanism which allowed approved providers to bill for delivery of the service through an OPWDD web-based application. The value of the service to individuals and families was clearly demonstrated during the pilot phase, and it will now become more widely available. Beginning October 1, 2013 providers of IB Services will be required to bill for delivery of the service directly through eMedNY.