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Community Involvement

You can play an important role in helping a person with a developmental disability take part in your community
Get Involved

People with developmental disabilities want to be a part of their community, just like you. There are many ways to partner with OPWDD to make a difference in someone's life and help them be a part of their community.

You may choose to help a person with a developmental disability by assisting them in finding employment or hiring them to work in your business. You might choose to become a Family Care Provider where you take a person into your home and care for them as a member of your family. You may want to help people with developmental disabilities get the information they need to ease their transition from school into being community members.

Whether you are a person who wants to help or you work with a business, school, organization or faith community that cares about community inclusion and wants to get involved, there is an opportunity for you to make a difference.

Community Organizations
School districts play an important role in getting people with developmental disabilities and their family members the information they need to make the transition from school into adult life. In addition, faith-based organizations can ensure people with developmental disabilities feel welcome by their community by opening their doors and providing accessible services.


Find out why employing New Yorkers with developmental disabilities makes good business sense. 

Build Your Workforce

Everyone has the right to work, and New York's employers deserve a reliable, effective and efficient workforce. EmployAbility is just one of the ways New York State is working to make it easier for businesses to expand their workforce to be integrated, inclusive and profitable.

Take the Pledge

Take the EmployAbility Pledge and demonstrate that your business or organization is committed to the spirit of inclusivity by employing qualified people with disabilities and providing everyone full opportunities to be your patrons and customers. See the name of your business or organization on our EmployAbility Honor Roll.

Family Care
Become a Family Care Provider and be paid to open your home and heart to someone with a developmental disability.

Get Involved

OPWDD holds quarterly public meetings to share new information about services and supports, and to provide the people we support, their family members and the people who support them the opportunity to provide feedback. 


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