School Transition for Students with Developmental Disabilities

Life After School

The transition from school life to adulthood is a turning point in a young person's life. This is no different for a teenager with developmental disabilities.

Choices for the student moving from school to adult life can include continuing education, getting a job or taking part in other meaningful activities, such as volunteering and job or life-skills development.

Accessing these activities takes advance planning. OPWDD works with the New York State Education Department, school special education staff, the student’s family and Care Coordination Organization (CCO) staff to help students to plan for their transition from school and to identify the supports that they will need in adult life.

The School Administrator letter, Parent/Guardian Letter, transition planning flyer, and other information included on this page provide helpful information for you, your staff, and students with developmental disabilities and their families about OPWDD’s services and the transition planning process. Please share the documents and links on this page with: 

  • Your staff
  • 15 to 21-year-old students who you believe may be eligible for OPWDD services
  • Their parents/guardians 
  • Their teachers. 

Please encourage them to contact OPWDD’s Front Door at 866-946-9733 and view the OPWDD Front Door Videos to learn more about OPWDD eligibility and services. Students who already have OPWDD eligibility and are connected to a Care Coordination Organization (CCO) should contact their Care Manager to help them request adult services.

School Administration Letter in multiple languages

Parent/Guardian School Transition LetteR IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES

Consent to Release Information Form

Facts About Transition Planning

Schools help students connect to their futures.

Transition planning is the process schools use to help students with disabilities and their families as they plan for life after high school.

The sooner the process begins for the student, the better.  Schools need to inform students and families about the transition planning process and help them navigate through it.

Some facts about transition planning:

  • School services are available to students with disabilities until they graduate with a Regents or local diploma, or their access to a free appropriate public education ends. However, schools are expected to work with each student with developmental disabilities to have a transition plan in place by age 15 or earlier (8NYCRR 200.4(d)(2)(ix)) to ensure that services will be available when they need them.
  • Students interested in OPWDD adult supports should begin working with OPWDD at least three years prior to completing their educational program.
  • Schools need to get signed consent forms from the student's family in order to tell OPWDD about students who may be eligible for OPWDD services, to share records with OWPDD or to work together with OPWDD staff on transition planning.
  • Parents or guardians interested in allowing the school and OPWDD to share information must fill out a Consent to Release Information form.

Transition Planning Flyer: From School to Adult Life 

School Transition Toolkit

OPWDD's School Transition Toolkit is available for school administrators, school staff, and students and their families. OPWDD's School Transition Toolkit includes important materials and links that will be helpful for school administrators and school staff, as well as to students who are preparing to move from school life to adult life and their families. 

Front Door

The first step to getting the services you need is to reach out to your regional OPWDD Front Door office. 

Visit the Front Door Page


To learn more about eligibility for OPWDD services, visit the Eligibility page.

Eligibility page