COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Unwinding Guidance


The White House announced on January 30, 2023 that the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency will end on May 11, 2023. At the end of the federal Public Health Emergency, the provisions in effect now under OPWDD’s Appendix K amendment will remain in effect for six months through November 11, 2023. OPWDD provides the below guidance and resources for providers regarding the unwinding of COVID flexibilities over the coming months.


    Updated Training Recertification Guidance Flexibilities

    On May 9, 2022, OPWDD issued the below guidance allowing flexibilities of the requirements set forth in sections 633.8, 633.14, 633.16 and 633.17 of Part 14 of the NYCRR to offer relief and flexibility in Provider Agency training programs during the direct care hiring crisis.




    Care Management Post PHE FAQ

    This FAQ provides responses to questions that were asked at the CCO Information Session titled: Care Management Public health (PHE) End Date and Policies held on May 4, 2023. The session agenda covered post PHE Requirements including an overview on remote technology, and upcoming education and outreach opportunities. This training can be found in the SLMS enroll here. For detailed instructions on how to access the SLMS, visit the SLMS Reference page.



End of the Appendix K Coverage & ADM Revisions Webinar November 2023

View the End of the Appendix K Coverage & ADM Revisions Presentation

view Frequently asked questions about the end of appendix k coverage & ADM Revision presentation


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ADM Updates: End of Appendix K Authority Presentation
This Webinar was presented on November 10, 2023. This presentation reviews the changes made to 06-ADM-01R, 21-ADM-02R, 21-ADM-03R and 2015-ADM-01 which was renamed to 23-ADM-08.


COVID-19 Unwinding Webinar June 2023

 View June 2023 COVID-19 Unwinding Webinar PowerPoint Presentation

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COVID-19 Unwinding Webinar
This webinar was presented on June 1, 2023. This presentation specifically addresses supporting people’s Day Service Needs as the Appendix K flexibilities end.