42 results found

Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, OPWDD has provided staff and service providers with guidance related to visitation and site visits, regulatory flexibility, the delivery of telehealth and other essential services, masking and infection control. As the pandemic wanes and programs re-open, OPWDD continues to update its COVID-19 policies and guidance.
COVID-19 Data
Effective March 1, 2023, OPWDD will no longer be providing data updates. The March 1, 2023 cumulative COVID-19 report will remain on the OPWDD website as a resource and represents data from March 2020 through March 2023. Additional information on COVID-19 can be found at:
Combating Misinformation About The COVID-19 Vaccines
Learn how to identify misinformation and #GetTheVaxFacts – information New Yorkers can trust.
Additional COVID-19 Resources
Maximize your protection against COVID-19. Free booster shots are available...
The CDC provides updated information as it becomes available.
From the NYS Department of Health. What you need to know.
Listen to personal stories from OPWDD employees on why they chose to get...
COVID-19 Guidance