The Cullman Child Development Center, located in Sidney, NY, provides childcare services to children between the ages of six weeks and 12 years. The Center focuses on offering families a supportive partnership through which to nurture and support their children’s emotional, cognitive, social and physical development. Through OPWDD’s Employment Training Program, the Cullman Child Development Center has had five interns with developmental disabilities, all of whom have now become permanent employees. OPWDD asked Center Director, Amy Williams, about their employment.
What interested you in employing people with developmental disabilities in your workforce?
Cullman Child Development Center: I was approached years ago by a friend who was a job coach, and she sold me on the idea of having an intern who would be paid by OPWDD while they learned the job. When I actually started working with people with developmental disabilities, I realized all the other benefits!
What has surprised you most about employing someone with a developmental disability?
Cullman Child Development Center: The changes that happen over the years are the same as with any of our staff. New physical or other issues come up, and we need to pivot and make new accommodations or work through different options. Nothing is ever static.
What advice would you give to another employer considering employing people with developmental disabilities?
Cullman Child Development Center: The job coaches are an invaluable resource. Issues crop up, even years after an employee has been with you, and job coaches are a great ally in working through things and setting up new systems to address new challenges. There are periodically physical or other issues that emerge, and being creative and supportive of the person with developmental disabilities is critical.
What difference has the employment of people with developmental disabilities made in your organization?
Cullman Child Development Center: I think it has been so beneficial to both the children we care for and our staff to work with people with developmental disabilities. For the children, they are learning to accept everyone around them, and to not be intimidated or consider someone with a developmental disability to be anything unusual or frightening. Our staff all appreciate the positive attitude and joy that so many of the people with developmental disabilities bring to the workplace every day.
Responses provided by Amy Williams, Director at the Cullman Child Development Center.