People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services

Males and Females

While the New York State population comprises 64% males and 36% females, the proportion of males to females served by OPWDD is consistent with the prevalence of IDD found in the general population.

Sex CategoryPeoplePercent
Grand Total126,925 



Table 2A. People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services by Race Category (2022)

Ethnic CategoryPercent
Native American (incl. AK NAT)0.8%
Pacific Islander (incl. NAT HI)0.5%
Unknown/Not Answered4.2%


Table 2A. People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services by Hispanic Origin (2022)

Hispanic OriginPercent
Hispanic Origin16%
Not of Hispanic Origin75%
Unknown/Not Answered9%


Age Group

Sixty percent (60%) of those served by OPWDD are adults ages 21 to 64; however, this same group represents seventy-six percent (76%) of OPWDD Medicaid payments (see Table 3 and Figure 4). Conversely, nearly one-third (33%) of those served by OPWDD are children ages 0 to 20; however, this same group represents only nine percent (9%) of OPWDD Medicaid payments

Table 3. People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services By Age Group (2022)*
Age Groups People Payments % Individual % Payment
Age 0 to 20 43,638 $765,189,851 34% 9%
Age 21 to 64 77,535 $6,324,957,434 61% 75%
Age 65+ 9,140 $1,292,607,803 7% 15%
Total (Unduplicated) 126,925 $8,382,755,088    


*The unduplicated total count does not equate to the sum of children, adults, and seniors due to some individuals attaining age 21 or 65 during the course of a calendar year. The total payments include Medicaid, State Plan and FIDA-IDD payments.