Services by Primary Diagnosis
Individuals with developmental disabilities may have multiple diagnoses. For example, an individual with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability may also have a secondary diagnosis of epilepsy. This data solely captures the primary diagnosis.
The primary diagnosis is identified for individuals during the determination of eligibility for Medicaid services. While additional or co-occurring conditions may be identified, the primary diagnosis is required and can be accurately reported.
Individuals identified as having an “unknown/unidentified” primary diagnosis visited an Article 16 clinic to determine whether a developmental disability diagnosis was present.
Table 4. People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services by Primary Diagnosis (2022)
Primary Diagnosis Category | People | Percent |
Autism Spectrum Disorder | 32,309 | 25.5% |
Cerebral Palsy | 4,396 | 3.5% |
Epilepsy / Seizure Disorder | 1,363 | 1.1% |
Intellectual Disability – Mild | 41,689 | 32.8% |
Intellectual Disability – Moderate | 12,377 | 9.8% |
Intellectual Disability – Severe | 5,259 | 4.1% |
Intellectual Disability – Profound | 4,579 | 3.6% |
Intellectual Disability – Unspecified | 4,169 | 3.3% |
Other Developmental Disorders / Delays | 5,721 | 4.5% |
Other Neurological Impairments | 3,775 | 3.0% |
Unknown / Not Identified | 11,288 | 8.9% |
Total | 126,925 |
Payments by Funding Category
Payments are made to providers for the delivery of OPWDD Medicaid services in two ways: (1) on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis; or (2) through a managed care arrangement. Under a FFS model, a separate payment is made for each service delivered to a person. For managed care, a set monthly fee, or capitation payment, is paid to an insurance company that then manages care and pays service providers. The Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) demonstration program provides comprehensive medical, behavioral health and long-term supports and services to dually Medicare and Medicaid eligible individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in a managed care service delivery model.
Table 5. Medicaid Payments by Funding Category (2022)
Funding Category | People | Payments |
Fee-For-Service Medicaid | 125,272 | $8,147,620,779 |
Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA-IDD) | 1,815 | $235,134,309 |
Total* | 126,925 | $8,382,755,088 |
*Rounding Error
Fee-For-Service Medicaid by Service Category
Table 6. Medicaid Fee-For-Service Payments by OPWDD Service Category (2022)
Service Category | People | Payments |
Care Coordination | 115,650 | $448,260,339 |
Certified Residential | 35,695 | $5,001,033,142 |
Community Habilitation | 34,140 | $636,821,026 |
Day Program and Employment Supports | 51,108 | $1,473,569,160 |
Other Supports and Services | 51,879 | $330,466,884 |
Respite | 20,352 | $257,470,228 |
Total | 125,272 | $8,147,620,779 |
Services by Certified Housing Type
A majority of people (80%) in OPWDD certified housing lived in supervised IRAs/CRs (see Table 7).
Table 7. People Receiving OPWDD Medicaid Services by Certified Housing Type (2022)*
OPWDD Service Description | Total Individuals |
Developmental Centers and SRUs | 196 |
Specialty Hospital | 59 |
ICF/IDD- Community Model | 3,747 |
Residential Habilitation- CR/RA- Suprt | 2,092 |
Residential Habilitation- CR/RA- Supvd | 29,917 |
Residential Habilitation- Family Care | 1,239 |
Grand Total | 36,786 |
*Counts include those receiving managed care. The unduplicated total count of people does not equal the sum of people by housing type as people can live in more than one housing type in a year.