Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC)

Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC)

About the Council

The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (DDAC) was established under 13.05 of the Mental Hygiene Law. The DDAC provides recommendations for statewide priorities and goals for services for individuals with developmental disabilities in cooperation with the OPWDD commissioner. It began in its current iteration of the workgroup in 2012. It has no executive, The council has no executive, administrative or appointive duties. Some of the DDAC's responsibilities are:

  • To foster public understanding and acceptance of developmental disabilities
  • Advise the commissioner on matters related to development and implementation of the statewide comprehensive plan
  • Advise on any matter related to individuals with developmental disabilities and on policies, goals, budget and operation of developmental disabilities services. 

The DDAC meets at least four times a year. 


Upcoming Meetings

View UPCOMING public MEETINGS on our Events Page

Past Meetings

Past DDAC meeting recordings and agendas are posted on YouTube.

View Meeting Recordings and Agendas


The board consists of 36 members; 33 appointed positions and three representatives from state agencies (ex-officio), including the OPWDD commissioner. 

Appointed Members

Appointed By Governor
Member, County of ResidenceBackgroundAppointed By
Shameka Andrews, AlbanySelf-AdvocateGovernor
Geralyn Athenas, SuffolkFamily AdvocateGovernor
Daniel Brown, TompkinsProvider, Family AdvocateGovernor
Nicholas Cappoletti, OnondagaProviderGovernor
Janice Chisholm, QueensProviderGovernor
Donna Colonna, SuffolkProviderGovernor
Barbara Long, ErieFamily AdvocateGovernor
Stuart Flaum, KingsFamily AdvocateGovernor
Gary S. Goldstein, SchenectadyProvider, Family AdvocateGovernor
Susan Hetherington, MonroeExecutive Director, Strong Center for Excellence at University of RochesterGovernor
Paul Joslyn, OnondagaProviderGovernor
Ray Knights, KingsProviderGovernor
Suzanne Lavigne, FranklinProviderGovernor
John Maltby, ColumbiaProvider, Family AdvocateGovernor
Delores McFadden, OrangeFormer Director, Orange County Developmental Disabilities ServicesGovernor
Robert Pitkofsky, RocklandFamily AdvocateGovernor
Kai Roman, BronxFamily AdvocateGovernor
Sumantra Sarkar, BroomeFamily AdvocateGovernor
Helena Schmidt, OnondagaSelf-AdvocateGovernor
Stephanie Speaker, ErieSelf-AdvocateGovernor
Leah Steinberg, KingsProviderGovernor
Valerie Valdez, SchenectadyFamily AdvocateGovernor
Meyer Wertheimer, OrangeProviderGovernor
Appointed By Assembly and Senate Leaders
Member, County of ResidenceBackgroundAppointed By
Thomas Abinanti, WestchesterFamily AdvocateSpeaker of the Assembly
Randi DiAntonio, MonroeProvider (Governmental)President of the Senate
Jeffrey Fox, DutchessProviderPresident of the Senate
Theresa Hamlin, SullivanProviderSpeaker of the Assembly
Lynne KoufakisProviderSpeaker of the Assembly
Kirk Lewis, SchenectadyProviderSpeaker of the Assembly
Debra McGinness, SullivanProviderMinority Leader of the Senate
Melissa Miller, NassauFamily AdvocateMinority Leader of the Assembly
Randi Rios-Castro, RocklandProviderPresident of the Senate
Michael Seereiter, AlbanyProviderPresident of the Senate

Ex-Officio Members

Member, County of ResidenceTitle, Agency
Willow BaerCommissioner - NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities
Kristin ProudExecutive Director - NYS Council on Developmental Disabilities 
Melissa StickleDirector, NYS Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors

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