Welcome to the Front Door!

The Front Door is the way OPWDD connects you to the services you want and need. Once you enter, a person-centered planning process begins, which helps you learn about and access service options that take your needs and desires into consideration. It will also give you the chance to direct your own service plan or help your family member or loved one as they direct theirs.

The Front Door is based on the understanding that, as a person with developmental disabilities you have the right to:

  • Enjoy meaningful relationships,
  • Experience personal growth,
  • Participate in your community and,
  • Live in the home of your choice. 

Front Door staff will guide you through the steps involved in finding out if you are eligible for services with OPWDD, identify your needs, goals and preferences and help you work on a plan for getting those services.

How do I begin?

Contact the OPWDD Infoline at 866-946-9733 and ask them to transfer you to your local Front Door Office by telling the operator what county you live inYou can also view the Front Door modules below where you will learn how to access services and what types of services are available.

The first step to receiving assistance is to determine if you are eligible. Once you are determined eligible, you can begin the planning process. There are many supports and service options available, including supports to live in your home independently or with others, employment, day habilitation, and children's services. 

View the Front Door Video Modules

What are the key components of the Front Door?

The key components of the Front Door process include:

Access to Services Booklet

This guide can help you through the Front Door process.

View Access to Services Guide in multiple languages


How can I get Services: Front Door Brochure

Download a copy of our brochure about the Front Door and accessing services.

View the How can I get Services: Front Door Brochure in multiple languages 


Front Door Welcome Flyer

The Front Door Welcome Packet has important information that will help guide you through the Front Door process. It includes a checklist of key steps you need to complete to get OPWDD services. 

View the Front Door Welcome Flyer in Multiple Languages