Earlier this fall, as part of OPWDD’s examination of managed care, Guidehouse, Inc. held town hall style discussions to hear from people about their perspectives on managed care and OPWDD supports and services. Eight separate sessions were held, with input collected from people with developmental disabilities, their family members and service providers. Guidehouse has summarized the input they collected through these sessions in two plain language reports:
- Townhall Discussion Feedback Summary: People with Developmental Disabilities, Families, and Natural Supports
- Townhall and Focus Group Feedback Summary: Providers and CCOs
This month, as Guidehouse continues its work, it is offering two online surveys that will provide another opportunity for people to provide input to the managed care study. Visit the links below to preview the questions in each survey.
- Guidehouse Managed Care Survey for Providers
- Guidehouse Managed Care Survey for People and their Families
The surveys will be open through January 3, 2024 and will take just a few minutes to complete. Guidehouse will draw upon the town hall discussions and the survey results in preparing its final report, which will be released next spring. That report will help OPWDD understand what benefits managed care might have to offer the OPWDD service system as we strive to better meet people’s needs. We invite you to take the online managed care survey by using the buttons below.