October 7, 2022

Survey Open for Design Selection of New Neurodiversity Flag

A Message from the NYS Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Board

Dear Friends, Symbols and flags can inspire pride and confidence within a community and a neurodiversity flag can serve as a statement that the societal contributions of neurodiverse people should be recognized and celebrated. Various symbols and flags currently represent autism and neurodiversity around the globe.

New York State’s Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Board has solicited input from stakeholders regarding the design of a new neurodiversity flag, and today is announcing the opening of the design selection process. The Board received almost forty design submissions for the new flag from people around the state.

Today we are launching the selection process. We encourage people with lived experience with neurodiversity to participate in choosing the final flag design. Please tell us which design you feel best represents neurodiversity by clicking this link and selecting one design.


Please be sure to only vote once. The voting period ends November 30th at 5PM. The Board will announce the winner of the public vote at the next Board meeting on December 6th.

Thank you for participating in this flag selection process.


Courtney Burke Chairperson NYS Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Boar