To whom it may concern,
Sunmount DDSOO is soliciting sealed bids from responsible and qualified contractors to perform Physical Therapy Services for multiple residences in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, and St. Lawrence Counties, NY. References, experience, financial resources, and applicable licenses and insurances are required. Contract(s) will be awarded to the responsible and responsive bidder(s) that provide the lowest Estimated Annual Cost for each cluster. Bid Opening will be conducted via WebEx, not face to face. Please refer to IFB, page 6, Section 13.A.(4) for detailed instructions.
Bidder must submit the Physical Therpaist’s résumé which demonstrates prior work with developmentally disabled individuals as well as the relevant experience to complete the work as listed in Qualifications and Scope of Work beginning on page 19 of the attached Invitation for Bid with their bid.
Along with the above, if interested please submit 1 Original copy of the:
- IFB Cost Proposal Page(s)
- References
- Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire
Please submit all required bid documents to:
Taconic DDSOO, Contract Management Unit
C/O Keith Ryer, CMS 1 – SUN 080422
26 Center Circle, Services Building
Wassaic, New York 12592-2637
*Submissions are due by 2:00pm on August 4, 2022, no exceptions.