OPWDD’s Contract Management Unit for Finger Lakes DDSOO is soliciting sealed bids from responsible and qualified contractors to perform Snow and Ice Removal services at multiple sites in Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, and Yates Counties. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, on-call and 24/7 emergency snow and ice removal services.
Bid Opening will be conducted via WebEx, not face to face. Please refer to IFB, page 6, Section 13.A.(4) for detailed instructions.
Snow removal shall automatically commence at the accumulation of 3 inches at the contracted sites. The House Manager/Program Manager or designee has the right to call for additional service as deemed necessary for safety concerns. Service shall be provided 7 days per week and 24 hours per day.
Contractors must use sufficient size plows and have commercial quality salt/sand/calcium chloride spreading equipment to remove snow and ice from the driveways and parking lots at the locations.
References, experience, financial resources, and applicable insurances are required. All bidders must submit at least three (3) work references that will verify that the bidder or its principals have at least two (2) years of relevant experience to complete the work as listed in Qualifications and Scope of Work.
Contract(s) will be awarded to the responsible and responsive bidder(s) that provide the lowest Total Price per Season per Cluster. Multiple contracts may be awarded from this IFB.
Prevailing wage will apply.