2024-2027 Transportation Services for Milton Day Habilitation Program

To whom it may concern,


Attached is the IFB for the upcoming Transportation Services for Milton Day Habilitation Program in Ulster County OPWDD’s Contract Management Unit for Taconic DDSOO is soliciting sealed bids from responsible and qualified contractors to provide Transportation Services for participants in an OPWDD state operated Day Habilitation Program (Milton Day Hab in Ulster County).  The Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to, route-based round-trip transportation for people with developmental disabilities, under OPWDD’s care, and staff from their residences to Day Habilitation Program site and return.


Please note that the Milton Day Hab program specific transportation service details (Exhibit A) have changed from previous bid opportunities. 


Bid Opening will be conducted via Web Ex.  Please refer to IFB page 6, Section 13.A.(4) for detailed instructions.


References, experience, financial resources, and applicable insurances are required.  All bidders must submit at least three (3) work references that will verify that the bidder or its principals have at least three (3) years of relevant experience to complete the work as listed in Qualifications and Scope of Work.


The Contract will be awarded to the responsible and responsive bidder that provides the lowest Estimated Annual Total Cost for Transportation Services per Day Hab.  Only one (1) contract may be awarded.


If you are interested, please submit 1 original copy of the IFB Cost Proposal Page and 1 original copy of all the mandatory supporting documents. The sample contract template is for reference only. Please review the document, familiarize yourself with the language and set up, but do not submit the sample contract template with your bid. The sample contract template is not a required document. 


Bid Submissions are due by 1:00 pm on April 9, 2024, no exceptions.


Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to the following address:


Contract Management Unit – IFB: OPD 040924

C/O Jennifer Vallely, CMS 1

26 Center Circle, Building 58, Service Building

Wassaic, New York, 12592-2637


If you have any questions, you can contact:

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Phone: (845) 877-6821 ext.3333


If you are currently not interested, kindly complete the IFB No-Bid Form which is the last page of the Invitation for Bid.