2025-2030 Medical Services in Livingston and Steuben Counties

To whom it may concern,


Finger Lakes DDSOO is soliciting sealed bids from responsible and qualified contractors to perform Medical Services in Livingston and Steuben Counties, NY. References, experience, and applicable insurances are required. Contract will be awarded to the most responsible and responsive bidder(s) that provide the lowest Total Annual Cost for Medical Services and On Call Service Fee.  Prevailing Wage doesn’t apply. Bid Opening will be conducted via WebEx, not face to face. Please refer to IFB, page 6, Section 13.A.(4) for detailed instructions.


If you are interested, please submit at least 1 Original copy of the:

  • IFB Cost Proposal Page(s)
  • References
  • Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire


Bidders will also submit with the bid: the Treatment Provider’s résumé with experience, a reference list related to services previously provided to developmentally disabled individuals, professional license, picture I.D., and documentary evidence regarding board certification or board eligibility.


Please submit all required bid documents to:

Taconic DDSOO, Contract Management Unit

C/O Heather Frantz, CMS 1 – FL 111924

26 Center Circle, Services Building

Wassaic, New York 12592-2637


Submissions are due by 2:00pm on November 19, 2024, no exceptions.


The Informational Contract Template is for REFERENCE ONLY. You do NOT need to submit anything inside that PDF.


If you have any questions, you can contact:

The contract hub at [email protected]


Heather Frantz at 845-877-6821 Ext. 3323

[email protected]