2 people talking


Providers of services deliver person-centered care management and supports to meet each person's individual needs


Providers of OPWDD services include nonprofit service providers, Family Care providers and Care Coordination Organizations. Nonprofit service providers deliver direct care to people with developmental disabilities and they offer a wide variety of services and supports. Family Care providers provide community-based housing in certified private homes. Care Coordination Organizations provide coordination of health care, behavioral health and developmental disability services to people who qualify for OPWDD services. 

Recruiting a Talented Workforce

OPWDD collaborates with agencies in the human services sector, labor, and educational system to develop strategies and best practices that support a competent and stable workforce. 

Using these partnerships, we have compiled information which we hope will assist you with your recruitment and retention of staff. 

Visit the Recruitment Resources page for information regarding job postings, career fairs, human resources consultation, federal bonding program, partnering with the Veteran's Administration and much more. 

Each service provider submitted a completed certification survey describing how their four percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) funding from the 2023/2024 NYS Budget will be or was used to promote the recruitment and retention of direct support professionals, clinical staff or to respond to other critical non-personal service costs.

Types of Providers

Providing people with a warm and accepting family environment to thrive in is the goal of every family care provider
Coronavirus Resources
During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, OPWDD provided staff and service providers with guidance related to visitation and site visits, regulatory flexibility, the delivery of telehealth and other essential services, masking and infection control. After the public health emergency ended in May 2023, OPWDD continues to update its COVID-19 policies and guidance.
Get Notices
OPWDD regularly sends updates to providers regarding safety alerts, e-visories, trainings and much more. To stay up-to-date on the latest news, please submit your email below.