About Article 16 Clinics
OPWDD Article 16 Clinics principally serve persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and their collaterals, either at the main clinic site or at satellite sites.
Article 16 Clinic services are habilitative in nature, as they improve or limit disabling conditions, disease, or illnesses through the provision of assessments and therapies to persons with I/DD, through an interdisciplinary model of care.
Services provided in Article 16 Clinics help individuals with I/DD remain in, or move to, the least restrictive setting and make services available that would otherwise be inaccessible.
Article 16 Crosswalk
This crosswalk provides an exhaustive listing of procedure codes approved by OPWDD for use in Article 16 clinics by the following disciplines: dietetics/nutrition, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychology, rehabilitation counseling, social work, and speech and language pathology. Clinics wishing to bill procedure codes not listed on this schedule for services rendered within those disciplines should seek prior written approval from OPWDD. Failure to do so may lead to disallowance and recovery. When explicitly authorized on the operating certificate, Article 16 clinics may render services within the scope of the following additional disciplines: audiology, dentistry, medicine (including medical specialties such as psychiatry and physiatry), and podiatry. For these disciplines, Article 16 clinics are reimbursed in accordance with weights and consolidation, packaging, and discounting rules established by DOH for Article 28 freestanding clinics.
*Source documents found on NYS Department of Health's Ambulatory Patient Group (APG) webpage