Community Habilitation for Providers
Community Habilitation is a Medicaid-funded program operated under OPWDD to provide one-to-one training to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities to develop or enhance the skills needed to live more independently in their homes or in the community.
Community Habilitation supports the person's Life Plan and contains activities that are developed to help the person achieve his/her goals. It is then implemented through home visits and community activities as set by a schedule between the person with intellectual/developmental disabilities and the Community Habilitation Provider. A person can be authorized for the service regardless of where they live. Services are typically provided in the person's home or non-certified community locations. Community Habilitation services may be delivered in a certified residential setting when:
- the person is unable to participate in another HCBS habilitation service outside the residence due to his/her age, health, or behavioral health status
- the person chooses this mode of service delivery
- the person has regular opportunities for community integration activities; and
- the provision of this service does not tend to isolate the person
Community Habilitation supports can include:
- adaptive skill development
- community inclusion and relationship building
- development of social skills
- travel training
- money management
- leisure skills
- appropriate behavior development to help the individual access their community
Community Habilitation may include supports like personal care, supervision, and protective oversight, but these components do not constitute the entirety of the service. Additional guidance is available in the Administrative Memoranda referenced below.
Who Is Eligible?
To participate in Community Habilitation, the person needs to contact the Regional Front Door intake team, have his/her eligibility confirmed and have that service recommended. For people already receiving supports, their care manager can assist them in obtaining Community Habilitation if appropriate.