Provider Stability and Performance


As we move towards system transformation and transitioning to new models of service delivery, the hallmark is continuous focus on improving quality of care.  A quality system with the person at the center requires efforts toward enhancing provider performance and fostering learning environments through provider training. 

Survey and Certification

OPWDD certifies more than 7,500 sites and programs (operated by more than 500 non-profit and state providers) and conducts over 10,000 on-site visits annually to ensure the provision of quality services and compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.  If OPWDD identifies deficient practices, providers are expected to remedy the concerns and submit plans of corrective action.  

Ensuring Quality

This section includes OPWDD's toolkit for providers covering: Governance, Fiscal Health, Quality Improvement Plans and Assessing Provider Performance. 

DQI Training

The Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management offers a semi-annual provider training. The purpose of provider training is to communicate and update providers on relevant topics which may include: changes in regulations; hot topics; new initiatives; compliance and quality related topics and to help clarify expectations regarding current practices in the field. The target audience is agency executives, appropriate key staff, and Quality Management personnel. These classes can be located and registered for through the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS). Those new to the system will first need to create an account. Comprehensive step-by-step instructions on using the system and creating an account can be found on our SLMS page.

Optimizing Performance

For information regarding which agencies have had enforcement actions, please refer to the links under enforcement remedies below.

Provider Resource Directory

Provider Performance

OPWDD’s Agency Quality Performance Stakeholder Work Group was established by the Provider Efficiency and Innovations Committee in September 2013 to build upon the work of the 2011 People First Waiver Quality Design Team.

The purpose of the Agency Quality Performance Stakeholder Work Group is to:

  • Make recommendations for clear system-wide expectations for quality supports and services that go beyond regulatory compliance;
  • Determine the quality standards and/or indicators that will be used to rate agency performance and to determine the distinguishing characteristics of each level; and,
  • Make short and long term recommendations for the integration of the quality standards and ratings into DQI’s protocols and business processes.
  • Agency Quality Performance Standards

Compass Initiative

The Compass designation is achieved by provider agencies that have demonstrated their ability to consistently provide quality supports and services that exceed minimum regulatory requirements.

The alignment of the provider performance rating system with the evaluation of Compass designation readiness makes the existing three-tiered Compass application process obsolete. OPWDD will continue to provide annual validation of Compass designation worthiness within the provider performance and recently revised survey protocol structures.

Compass Criteria & Best Practices

Currently, the five criteria for being designated as a Compass agency are described below with examples of best practices from current Compass agencies:

  1. The agency must demonstrate that there is a documented commitment from its Board of Directors and management to embrace the Compass designation objectives.
  2. There is a Management Plan which is an organizational strategic plan that emerges from the mission statement.
  3. There exists a regulatory self-survey process.
  4. The Agency supports the achievement of Valued Outcomes of people supported.
  5. There is an agency wide, documented Quality Improvement Plan.

Compass Agencies


We support providers that want to reach beyond basic regulatory compliance towards furthering a culture of excellence within their operational practices. OPWDD strongly encourages agencies to engage in meaningful person-centered planning practices that focus on individualized outcomes. Providers may want to consider using the Council on Quality and Leadership’s (CQL) 21 Personal Outcome Measure (POM) domains as one method to evaluate whether outcomes are being achieved for individuals based on the supports that they have in place. Personal Outcome Measures enhance the system by focusing on quality from the perspective of the individual receiving services. An agency may also choose to pursue accreditation through the Council on Quality of Leadership (CQL) or other accrediting entities.

Accreditation may also be obtained from another organization, such as the Council on Accreditation, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, or other accrediting organizations. Accreditation can be an effective quality improvement tool; however, this does not change or affect existing OPWDD survey and certification requirements or findings.   

Enforcement Remedies

Enforcement remedies may be taken against agencies that are not in compliance with State or Federal requirements.  The appropriate enforcement remedy is determined by the pervasiveness of the issues identified.  When continued or sustained noncompliance is identified, OPWDD may use steps to provide enhanced monitoring and technical assistance.  OPWDD expects provider agencies to implement corrective action, and whenever possible, return the agency to good standing.  

Early Alert

Accountability Initiative and Monetary Penalties

Through the OPWDD Accountability Initiative, we began imposing fines when an agency’s action or inaction poses a significant risk to one or more individuals.

Disclaimer- PLEASE NOTE: Fines assessed against agencies that may be listed here are not final determinations at the time of initial posting. Once a fine is assessed, each agency has the opportunity to appeal the decision. The assessment of any fine becomes final when one of the following occurs:

  • The agency pays the fine;
  • The 30 day time period to appeal runs out and the agency does not appeal; or
  • The agency appeals the fine assessment and the fine is upheld.

DQI Review Tools