Strategic Planning

Improving Our System of Services

Section 5.07 of the NYS Mental Hygiene Law requires OPWDD to produce an annual report describing its 5-year Strategic Plan and provide the report to the Governor and legislature by November 1st of each year. In 2021, we launched a new strategic planning process.  In May 2022, OPWDD issued a draft Strategic Plan, and in November 2022, we released the final 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. The final plan encompassed extensive public input gathered over 18 months of regional forums, public hearings and meetings with stakeholders across New York. The final Strategic Plan will guide OPWDD policy and planning efforts for the next several years, focusing the agency on achieving identified goals and objectives in continued partnership with people with developmental disabilities, their family members, and service providers. Each year since, OPWDD has issued an annual report to update stakeholders on the progress made in supporting the plan's goals. The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council was established within the NYS Mental Hygiene Law and is tasked with providing recommendations on statewide priorities, planning and process evaluations. The DDAC is an important partner in OPWDD’s strategic planning process.

2024 Strategic Plan Annual Report
OPWDD has released the 2024 Strategic Plan Annual Report. This Report represents an important step toward the goals outlined in our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and outlines how OPWDD is intentionally integrating them into our daily work.
Strategic Plan Goals
Icon of person in front of gears.
Goal 1: 1 Strengthen Our Workforce, Technology, and Collaboration

Advance the service system’s infrastructure by investing in the workforce, updating data technology, and improving decision-making through collaboration.

Direct Support Workforce

Improve the recruitment, retention, and quality of the direct support workforce.

Data Access and Technology

Invest in technology that provides more timely information and increases the availability of data.

Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

Promote stakeholder engagement and collaboration to inform decision-making.



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Goal 2: Transform Our System through Innovation and Change

Expand the system’s ability to empower people by strengthening supports, simplifying policies, and exploring new approaches to providing services.

Supports and Services

Strengthen the quality, effectiveness, and sustainability of supports and services.

Regulatory and Policy Changes

Change policies to create greater flexibility, increase opportunity for community integration, and incentivize improved personal outcomes.

Research and Innovation

Conduct research, evaluate programs, and test new methods for providing services.



Hands holding up an icon of a person

Goal 3: Enhance Our Person-Centered Supports and Services
Children, Youth, and Young Adults

Ensure children, youth, and young adults receive appropriate and coordinated services.

Complex Needs

Expand supports for people with complex behavioral and medical needs.

Cultural and Ethnically Diverse Communities

Address gaps in services for underserved, culturally, and ethnically diverse communities. 

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
Federal Funding to Advance Home and Community Based Services