Examining Managed Care

OPWDD has invested a portion of its American Rescue Plan Act funding into studying and exploring the potential effectiveness of a Managed Care payment model for developmental disabilities services in New York State.

The assessment examines whether Managed Care or a different model can help OPWDD achieve its strategic goals of providing equitable access to high quality, person-centered, needs-based services. 

The Office for People With Developmental Disabilities has not made a decision on whether or not to utilize Managed Care to pay for HCBS waiver services outside of the existing demonstration plan (FIDA-IDD), at this time. The evaluation is one step toward helping OPWDD understand if Managed Care or other models would help better meet people’s needs. The results of the assessment will inform next steps which will include further opportunities for dialogue and engagement prior to any decisions being made.

Managed Care Assessment Final Report

Managed Care Final Report Executive Summary

Managed Care Final Report Plain Language Document


OPWDD retained Guidehouse, Inc. to conduct the Managed Care evaluation. In December 2022, Guidehouse issued its initial report, and in August of 2024 the Final Report was issued. 

Throughout Guidehouse’s assessment of Managed Care, there were several opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback, including stakeholder surveys, town hall meetings, and conversations with advisory boards.

Read about the Managed Care Asssessment in Plain Language

Initial Report & Presentation

Resources Provided to Guidehouse by OPWDD