Employment Training and Supports
If you are interested in getting a job, OPWDD provides training activities to build on your strengths and overcome barriers to employment, opportunities to work in an internship that will lead to permanent employment in a community business, and on the job support once you find employment.
Employment Training Program
The Employment Training Program can provide you with an opportunity to work in an internship that will lead to permanent employment in a community business. During the internship, your wages will be paid by through the Employment Training Program while you learn the skills needed for the job. As an Employment Training Program participant, you will also attend job readiness classes that present topics such as conflict resolution and how to dress for work. Employment Training Program services include increased job development and job coaching as well as assistance with other employability skills.
To be eligible for these services, a person needs to be enrolled in the Home and Community Based Waiver. To enroll, discuss your employment goals with your Care Manager.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment can provide the supports you need to maintain a paid competitive job in the community. Typically, you will transition to Supported Employment after you have received supported employment services funded by the NYS Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) and you require limited job coaching to successfully maintain your employment.
To be eligible for these services, a person needs to be enrolled in the Home and Community Based Waiver. To enroll, discuss your employment goals with your Care Manager.